I’ve been trying to repair my cooling system device for a few weeks now.
It started giving me trouble after I heard a hissing sound coming from the condenser unit.
I knew that sound wasn’t good, so I did my own research in addition to found a couple possible solutions. I ended up tightening the coils in addition to fan blade because that was what I thought was the biggest issue, but despite giving it my best efforts, it still didn’t repair the issues I was having with my AC unit. Technically, the hissing sound disappeared, but then I began experiencing other issues. In hindsight, I should have hired an HVAC professional, but I was convinced that I could do it myself in addition to save some money! After the hissing sounds disappeared, I went to change the air filter. I will admit that I was ashamed by how long I’d let my HVAC system run separate from replacing the air filter, in addition to I had a fine feel that it could be the reason my AC system malfunctioned. After I updated the air filter, I waited for my AC device to beginning running smoothly again, but it never did. This is when I decided that I needed to hire an actual HVAC professional to come handle things officially. I told the HVAC professional all about my attempts to repair the AC unit, although he wasn’t impressed. He ended up lecturing me about how I should have called him sooner, because I could have caused a lot of serious detriment since I didn’t know anything about HVAC equipment.